There was fresh bread (THANK YOU, Chris!). There were visitors from far places (Bellingham, Japan by way of Los Angeles, Germany). There were fond farewells (good-bye to Peter Nelson, and thank you for your service) and new representation to the AGA (hello Nick Wilmes, and good luck at the national meeting).
And there were players who didn’t want to wait for the weekend to play Rengo.
Couldn’t wait for Saturday
A couple hours later, the board looked like this:
Rengo board two hours later; Black to play
The corner held some surprises.
Black to play
Cullen Mott provided a kifu that covers from game start to early endgame: TheArgoGame (getting JagoPlayer working on the website will be a project for the future).
Join us Saturday for Rengo with Pie and Coffee! $10 to register ($5 for persons under 18, and for voting members of the Go Center). Registration opens 5:30 PM, and play starts at 6:00 PM. More info at
Rengo Tournament poster for June 9, 2018