Many of our classes are posted on YouTube
Our Monday night Double Digit Kyu Class (DDK), with Nick Sibicky, is available here:
Our old Single Digit Kyu Class (SDK), taught on Wednesdays by Andrew Jackson, is available here:
Johnathan Cheng, our current SDK class teacher, posts some of his lessons here:
Here are the links to our favorite websites:
First, our own youtube channel, however light that it is:
The American Go Association (AGA) has a large and active website that we highly recommend. You can subscribe here to the “AGA e-journal”, which has daily and weekly editions. They also have links to many other go resources. It is at:
The AGA has a good page on learning go online:
the AGA also has a YouTube page for videos of games and instruction:
Tiger’s Mouth is a site designed for children who want to play Go:
The American Go Foundation supports Go education, including grants and resources for teachers:
The Nihon Ki-in Japan website has Go news, information, instruction and downloads. Here is their website for English speakers:
Life in 19×19 has some of the most active forums about Go. They also have a pro game database:
Go Servers
The “Online Go Server”, also known as OGS has been gaining popularity. We have a group on OGS.
The Keseido Go Server (KGS) allows you to play games online with other players, or with computers.
We’ve have the Seattle Go Center club room on KGS. You can play Go, chat, and network online with other players associated with SGC.
Not familiar with how rooms work on KGS? Log in, click on the Rooms menu and select Room List. Next click on Clubs and find the room called “Seattle Go Center”. Click on this room and then click on Join. You will now have a Seattle Go Center tab in your main KGS window, and clicking on this tab will take you into the Seattle Go Center club room.
The Pandanet – Internet Go Server, formerly known as the Internet Go Server (IGS) is another way to play Go online. There are Seattle City teams in their “Pandanet-AGA City League”:
Tygem offers another way to play Go online. They sponsored a major national tournament in 2012, the “AGA-TYGEMGO Pro Tournament”. They started as a Korean network, but now they also have an English portal. There are many strong players on Tygem:
You can choose go problems to match your skill level at:
Our Teachers’ Sites
Recordings of our Monday night class with Nick Sibicky are available on Youtube. There are about 400 lectures in English available, and they are watched worldwide. Nick is also a game designer, and a music composer.
Andrew Jackson, one of our teachers, also is recording his lectures for single digit kyu players. He also posts to the AGA YouTube website.
Peter Nelson, who taught the Single Digit Kyu Players class (SDK class), has also posted game analysis on YouTube.
The Other Iwamoto Centers
Our benefactor, Iwamoto Kaoru 9P, also founded Go Centers in Holland, Brazil, and New York. The last remaining Iwamoto Go Center is Seattle Go Center. SGC has been fortunate to have strong stewards, always ensuring we were financially prudent and legally compliant as a non-profit, property owner, and employer. While there have been financially scary times, we have weathered them all and remained open.
There is a Go center Washington, DC, funded by some money left over from the NYC Go Center held by the Iwamoto North American Foundation.
The Nihon Ki-in sold the original Seattle Go Center property at the request of the SGC board. Our situation was no longer financially sustainable with the area rezoned for high-rises, the new light rail stop going in a few blocks away, and our taxes tripling in a few years. The building was also old and soon to need serious and very expensive maintenance. The Nihon Ki-in donated generously from sale proceeds to Iwamoto Go Outreach Foundation (IGO Foundation) to support Seattle Go Center and Go in North America. Those funds replaced our need to rent part of the building for operating funds. The Nihon Ki-in also agreed to dedicate some sale proceeds to securing a permanent location for SGC.