
Myungwan Kim, 9 Dan Pro, Nov. 30 – Dec. 6

Mr. Myungwan Kim, 9 Dan professional, is visiting Seattle this weekend and next week. After that, he’ll spend a few days in Portland, OR before returning to Korea.

Mr. Kim is here promoting a simplified form of Go called “Connect Go”, more accessible for some populations. While he’s here, he has graciously agreed to play some simultaneous games and give some lectures.

Updated Wed., December 4
Sat.Nov. 30
6-8pmLecture (with free pizza!): “Pro game analysis using AI, and the difference from human”
Sun.Dec. 1
9-11amConnect Go seminar
5pm-6pmConnect Go discussion and practice
Mon.Dec. 2
6:30-8:30pmMr. Kim guest lecturer with Nick Sibicky for the “Double Digit Kyu” lesson (with free pizza!)
Tue.Dec. 3
6:30-8:30pmConnect Go demonstration and discussion
Thu.Dec. 5
Fri.Dec. 6
1-3pmOffsite: Simuls at Lakewood Korean Baduk Club, 3822 Steilacoom Blvd. SW, Lakewood, WA 98499

Mr. Kim has long been helpful to the Go Center, to the AGA, and to American Go players. He has taught at Go Camp and the Go Congress multiple times, and taught Go players to be Go teachers, and ran a Go school in California.

Thank you, Yuto!

Mr. Yuto Tajiri (“call me Yuto”), 5 Dan professional Go player with the Nihon Ki-in, visited Seattle Go Center, March 4 – March 7, and engaged in many activities with us.

Monday, despite several hours of airplane travel, Yuto took over Nick Sibicky’s DDK class, and reviewed a game vs. Hideo Otake, professional 9 Dan. Then Yuto and Nick played a demonstration game together and reviewed it.

Tuesday, Yuto met with Weiqi students at UW on campus at Red Square. In the warm sunshine, he played public teaching games on 9×9.

Then in the afternoon, with the stamina of a true professional, he played simultaneous games — then did it again in the evening!

Yuto Tajiri 5P playing simuls in the afternoon, and into the evening.

Wednesday, Yuto taught Go to 2nd-grade students at University Child Development School. These kids visit senior citizens living at Nikkei Manor — and now Go is one of the things they can do on their visits!

Smiling Go players face each other for casual and teaching games in a food court.

Wednesday evening, Yuto visited the Go Center’s long-running outreach project at the Uwajimaya food court.

1 Go player takes on 2 opponents while another watches.

Yuto played teaching games and simuls at Uwajimaya.

Thursday, Yuto taught Go at the McDonald International School Go Club. In the evening, one more lecture at the Go Center; then Friday, back to the airport.

Yuto Tajiri 5P with the instructors of McDonald International School Go Club

The Go Center is deeply grateful to the Nihon Ki-in and to Tajiri-sensei for the visit and so much hard work. Thank you!

–Mike M.

Mr. Tajiri, 5 Dan Professional, March 4 – March 7

Mr. Yuto Tajiri, 5 Dan professional Go player of the Nihon Ki-in, will be visiting Seattle!  Here is his profile page.

Mon. March 46:30-8:30 PMMr. Tajiri takes over Nick Sibicky’s “Double Digit Kyu” class!
Tue. March 52:00-4:30 PMSimultaneous games! $10 donation requested ($5 Youth / Voting Members). Sign up in advance.
Tue. March 56:00-8:30 PM Simultaneous games! $15 donation requested ($10 Youth / Voting Members). Sign up in advance.
Wed. March 66:00-7:30 PMVisit to the Uwajimaya Go outreach project.
(600 5th Ave. S., Seattle 98104)
Thu. March 76:00-8:00 PMMr. Tajiri lectures about Go! No charge (donations gratefully accepted; and ordinary Go Center admission applies).

Mr. Tajiri departs Friday; no weekend seminar this time around.  Mr. Tajiri will also visit two Go programs at Seattle schools on this trip. 

Seattle Go Center is incredibly fortunate that professional players share their expertise with us. Please enjoy these special events.

Yang Yi, 6P, simuls in July

Saturday, July 7, 2018, Seattle Go Center was honored and delighted to receive a visit from Mr. Yang Yi, Chinese Professional 6-dan and Vice Chairman of Chinese Weiqi Association.  Mr. Yang is a widely respected Go player and teacher in China. Many famous Chinese Go players, including Gu Li, have benefited from his instruction.

The simuls event on July 7 was very successful. Mr. Yang engaged seven players in simultaneous games of Go, and reportedly won all games. The Go Center is very grateful to Mr. Yang for making time to visit and teach!

One Go player faces off against six other players seated at a U-shaped table arrangement.

Mr. Yang Yi, 6P, playing simuls at Seattle Go Center