Seattle Go Center has had some schedule changes recently. Here are the updates.
- Thursday July 5, we are open 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM — shorter hours than usual, because of the July 4 holiday. Larry Eclipse will be offering his “Complete Beginner” class.
- Mondays we are closed, but watch for announcements. Nick Sibicky’s “Double Digit Kyu” class will return in September, and other teachers are planning a class for the Monday slot in July and August.
- Wednesdays we are closed, but we expect the “Breaking into Single Digit Kyu” class to resume in late August or early September. The “Advanced Go” class, for SDK and dan players, happens on July 11 and July 15, but the Go Center is not open for casual play on those Wednesdays.
- Most Thursdays we are open from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM, with Larry’s class for beginners going 6:30 to 8:30 PM.