
COVID-19 Closure and Cancelation: 03-24 update

Seattle Go Center remains closed due to the COVID-19 emergency. On 3-23, Governor Inslee issued a proclamation, that (among other measures) closed all non-essential businesses and banned all recreational gatherings regardless of size, for at least two weeks. This means the soonest the Go Center might be able to re-open would be April 9.

Accordingly, the April monthly ratings tournament (that was scheduled for April 5) is canceled. The annual Spring Go Tournament, scheduled for May 3, is uncertain at this time.

Every year, volunteers from the Go Center share the game with attendees at certain festivals. We’ve received confirmation that the following events, originally scheduled for April and May, are canceled: Sakura-Con, Cherry Blossom Festival (at Seattle Center), and University District Street Fair.

The online community resources for playing Go and chatting have been getting increasing use. The Discord server in particular has about 40 users, and the players who meet up regularly at Zoka Coffee on Monday and Friday mornings have been finding each other in the “Seattle Go Center” club room on KGS.

— Mike M.

Closed Monday Feb. 11

Seattle Go Center will be closed Monday, February 11, 2019 due to expected inclement weather. Nick Sibicky’s “DDK” class is canceled for the day. Snow is forecast for Tuesday also, so watch for announcements about whether the Go Center will be open February 12.

The Go Center also will be closed Monday, February 18, for the Presidents’ Day holiday. The DDK class will resume on February 25. Meanwhile, you can see previous lectures on Nick’s YouTube channel.

Snowmageddon 2019