
Advanced GO Class, Winter-Spring 2019

Yue Zhang’s new Advanced Go class, for players single-digit kyu and stronger, is now running weekly. Please pre-register either in person at the Go Center (a sign-up sheet is on the reception desk), or via the online registration page. Register by Monday evening prior to the class. (For example, to attend the Thursday, March 28 session, you should register no later than Monday, March 25.) Sessions that don’t have six or more registered may be canceled. (So get a bunch of your Go rivals to sign up too!)

Yue (Vincent) Zhang

Classes will run Thursdays, 7:00 – 9:00 PM at the Go Center. Tuition for these unique two-hour classes is $25 per class, including Go Center admission ($20 per class for Youth under 18, and Go Center voting members). Scholarships are available for players for whom the tuition would be a burden, bringing the cost to just $10 per class; and the application process is simple — email or talk to Mike (the programs manager) for info.

The class will feature group games and AI-assisted review, among other things. Rated 7 dan in the AGA, Yue has twice won the Open section at Seattle tournaments, and has years of experience teaching college.

New (and Familiar) Classes Starting Jan. 2019

The Go Center schedule is settling down after the holidays, with exciting new additions to our educational offerings.  Here are our regularly scheduled weekly classes:

(Note – informal instruction for beginners is also available Tuesdays and Saturdays.)

DDK class: Nick Sibicky vs. Andrew Jackson

Monday, Sept. 10, Nick Sibicky resumed his series of classes for double-digit kyu players. He was joined by Andrew Jackson. They played a game on the demo board, discussing their moves and showing variations for the benefit of the students. The session was recorded, and is posted on Nick’s YouTube channel.

Go students watch as Go teachers discuss the game.

Andrew Jackson and Nick Sibicky explain their game.

Andrew also shared stories of his latest work with the computer AI MiniGo; and Nick regaled everyone with stories of his experience playing the Facebook AI ELF at the Go Congress earlier this year.

The Go Center now is open Mondays, 6:30 – 8:30 PM, for the DDK class.

Advanced Go Class last Wed.

7 players wait at their Go boards as 1 player walks from board to board.

Yue Zhang teaching Advanced Go Class

Yue (“Vincent”) Zhang 7d taught the first of eight sessions of the Advanced Go Class on Wednesday, June 20. Seven eager students attended. Yue discussed how the value-per-move changes over the course of the game, and how strong A.I. players have changed our thinking about joseki. He played all students simultaneously, many moves through the opening and early middle game, giving individual instruction, with some of the students recording their games.

The next sessions will be Sunday, June 24, and Wednesday, June 27. More information or to sign up for the class:

Advanced Go Class

Yue Zhang offers a series of classes to accelerate the learning of players 9 kyu through 6 dan.

Classes will meet twice a week for 4 weeks — Wednesday and Sunday evenings, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM — at the Go Center, beginning June 20, 2018 and ending July 15, 2018.  Attend all 8 sessions for the most efficiency in learning (and the most favorable pricing).

Yue’s relatively novel classes will be composed of whole-class lectures, games, and game reviews. Compared to traditional teaching which emphasize whole-class lectures, the Advanced Go Class series will focus more on individualized instruction, which will be offered during the games and game reviews.

Register for the whole series of 8 classes:  $200
Register for one or more classes separately:  $35/class

More information and registration: Advanced Go Class

Strong Go player seated at a Go board

Yue (Vincent) Zhang

About Yue Zhang:  Currently rated 7.8 in the AGA, Yue placed 1st in the 2016 Seattle Anniversary Open and the 2018 Spring Open.  Yue holds a PhD from Ohio State University, and he has extensive college teaching experience.

January Classes Start Up

It is still possible to join our winter classes.  Jon Boley’s winter Youth Classes meet Sunday Mornings at 9:00 a.m.  Nick Sibicky’s Monday evening class for beginners and double digit kyu players meets 6:30 p.m.  Jon Boley’s Tuesday Intensive class meets at 6:00, and his Wednesday class for intermediate players meets at 7:00  You do not have to register in advance for these classes.  More information is on the instruction page.