
Simul Games with Two Pros on Tuesday, Aug 1

Maeda Ryo 6P and Kang Min Hoo 2p, two professionals from the Kansai Ki-in in Japan, will be playing simultaneous games at the Go Center on this Tuesday, Aug. 1.  The first event will be at 3:00 p.m., and the second will be at 7:00 p.m.  Both pros will be playing both times.   Games are $10, watching is free.  You may sign up in advance by emailing the manager, or by using the sign up sheet on the 2nd desk at the entrance to the playing room.  Usually the evening games fill up.

Maeda Sensei and Kang Sensei are going to the U.S. Go Congress in San Diego, which starts Saturday Aug. 5.  We are happy that they included us in their visit!

