
Pro Bian Wenkai visits from Nihon Ki-in.

Bian Wenkai (on right) with Go Club instructor Ben Resnick

Bian Wenkai (on right) with instructor Ben Resnick

Bian Wenkai 2P, a young pro from the Nihon Ki-in, visited the Seattle Go Center from March 23 to March 28.  Originally from Shanghai, Mr. Bian is fluent in Japanese and Chinese, and also speaks some English.  A friendly and generous teacher, Bian Sensei visited the McDonald International School Go Club, the Zoka Coffeehouse group, and played against a team of players at Nick Sibicky’s  DDK Class at the Seattle Go Center.  He gave a lecture on Sunday afternoon, and he also played simultaneous games four times at the Go Center. Forty-nine people visited the Go Center on the Tuesday, when Bian Wenkai was there.  Report and photos by Brian Allen

Playing simul games on Tuesday

Playing simul games on Tuesday
