The Seattle Go Center will be expanding its sequence of free evening classes. We will be adding a “Single Digit Kyu Player’s Class” on Wednesday night, June 12, with Andrew Jackson 5d as the instructor. Here is the revised sequence of our classes, in order of rising difficulty:
Thursdays, starting June 13: “Real Beginners” 7 week intro class starts at 6:30 p.m. with Jon Friedman. Here is the flyer. “Beginners Workshop” ongoing class starts at 7:00 pm with Frank Lam. The Workshop is good for graduates of “Real Beginners” up to about 15 kyu. Here is their website.
Mondays, “Double Digit Kyu Players Class” (DDK) continues with Nick Sibicky, and guest lecturers. This class is now designed for players in the 20 – 5 kyu range. Nick’s lectures are also available on youtube.
On Wednesday nights, a new class with Andrew J. starts up, for Single Digit Kyu Players (9k – 1k). Andrew is a lively teacher who moved to Seattle only a year ago. Welcome Andrew!
All classes are free, but students need to pay for their attendance, be voting members (yearly and lifetime members), or be using their free “New Member” 10 visit card. It is fine for students to take more than one class. For example, a 20 kyu player could benefit from both the “Beginners Workshop” and Nick’s DDK class.
Students who are above 10 k may also want to take informal lessons on Tuesdays with strong players Sonny Cho or Ho Son, or arrange for private lessons with Jon Boley