
Latest Updates 

For the latest updates (closures or special events), see googlegroups announcements, or subscribe

(1-2 message/week) by sending mail to seattlego+subscribe@



The Zoka group meets to play Go 9am-12pm at Zoka Coffee (Green Lake):
2200 N 56th St #6204, Seattle, WA 


Columbia City meetup is at Bananas Grill 6-8pm

Tuesday  3pm-9pm

SGC open hours for general Go playing and teaching

Wednesday 6pm-8pm

Drew’s DDK/SDK Class

Wednesday 5pm

South Sound Go Club meets on Discord and OGS





Couth Buzzard meetup is 10am-1pm:
8310 Greenwood Av N, Seattle, WA


Mt Si Senior Center meetup 1-4pm:
411 Main Ave S, North Bend, WA


Seattle Central Go Club meetup at 7 pm at 12th Ave Arts (Capitol Hill) hosted by Derek:
1620 12th Avenue, Suite 206, Seattle, WA


Saturday 1pm-6pm

SGC open hours for general Go playing and teaching


Seattle Shogi also meets at this time

Saturday 2pm-5pm

SGC meetup hosted by Jay/Emma at Crossroads Mall food court near the library.

Sunday 10am

SGC meetup at Espresso Vivace in Capitol Hill hosted by Daivd.

Sunday Online 3pm-6pm

  South Sound Go Club meets on Discord and OGS

First Sunday of Month

SGC monthly ratings tournament.  Please have a valid AGA membership in advance.  Registration is from 10:00am – 10:45am, first game starts at 11:00am, and third round starts at 3:30pm

Second Sunday of Month 1pm-4pm (Starting Sept 8th)

SGC is open for Kid’s Time to help teach younger players the game of go