Learning the Game of Go

The game of Go is easy to begin.  The rules are simple, and the pieces (called stones) are all the same.  There are two colors, black and white.

Starting with a small board at the Seattle Go Center

Starting with a small board at the Seattle Go Center

If white plays move 8 at "A" it captures "1"

If white plays move 8 at “A” it captures “1”

If white plays move 14 at "A", it captures the group of four black stones.

If white plays move 14 at “A”, it captures the group of four black stones.

Finishing the game is harder.  The game is over when both sides agree that it is over.  However, if you are a beginner, it can be hard to tell if any more profitable moves are possible.  This is where learning the game face to face from a more experienced player is better than trying to learn from written instructions or a computer.  If you are in the Seattle area, you are in luck, because you can learn at the Seattle Go Center.  Your first ten visits to the Go Center are free, including lessons.  Our students include children and adults, from age 5 to age 90.

Instructors Andrew Jackson and Nick Sibicky playing a casual game on a Tuesday Night. Their lectures are on Youtube.

Go Center Instructors Andrew Jackson and Nick Sibicky on a Tuesday Night. Their lectures are on Youtube.


Visiting Professional Go Player Yoonyoung Kim at Teaching Board

Visiting Professional Go Player Yoonyoung Kim at the Teaching Board

To see the Seattle Go Center schedule, please check the homepage.  We also have a page with more about instruction.  For other web resources, try links.