
We Are At Seattle Center for Cherry Blossom Festival

Teaching at Cherry Blossom 2017

The Go Center will be teaching and sharing the game of Go at the Cherry Blossom Festival, April 20-22,  2018.  This is at Seattle Center, underneath the Space Needle.  We will be in the “Armory Loft”, which is one floor up from the food court, from 10 am to 5 pm.  We have room for more teachers!

13×13 Tournament at SakuraCon April 1

We will be at the big anime festival, Sakura-Con this weekend.  On Sunday, April 1, we hold a 13×13 tournament that is beginner friendly.  Everyone is welcome, and you do not need a pass to reach us.  We are at the Washington State Convention Center, near the escalator on the third floor, in Room 305.  The tournament is from 10 am to noon, and we will be there until 4 pm.

Pro Visit by Chang Ruei Jie 2P

We are pleased to host a weeklong visit by Nihon Ki-in Pro Chang Ruei Jie in March. Mr. Chang is originally from Taiwan, but he lives in Japan now. As a young pro, he is very much interested in Artificial Intelligence computer programs that play the game of Go. We have a number of events scheduled for Chang Ruei Jie, including:

Simultaneous games at the Seattle Go Center ($10):
Saturday, March 17, 4 p.m.
Tuesday, March 20, 6:30 p.m.

Lectures at the Go Center (free!)
Monday, March 19, 6:30 p.m. for DDK class and others
Wednesday, March 21, 6:30 p.m. for Single Digit Kyu group and others

One Day Workshop with Mr. Chang:
Sunday, March 18, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
$45/$30 students and voting members; $10 discount for early registration
More info at: workshop

Pair Go Fun

Formal dress for Pair Go

The 5th Annual Pair Go Tournament, held Saturday Dec. 16, had stronger players than last year, and lots of laughter.  Although the 2017 group was a little bit smaller than the previous year, with 11 teams, they managed to eat almost all the cake, and to polish off the raspberries and cream.  The first table was won by Lusha Zhou and Tzu-Jen Chan.  The second table was won by Cat Mai and Nick Wilmes, while the 3rd table was won by Anne Thompson and Bill Thompson.

Gala Pair Go Tournament This Saturday, Dec. 16

2015 Pair Go Tournament

The fifth annual Seattle Pair Go Gala will be held this Saturday, Dec. 16, at the Seattle Go Center.   Registration is at the beginning of the tournament, from 6-6:30 pm. The gala will follow International Pair Go Rules, so teams must have both a female and male player. Last year’s tournament had 24 players, and lots of cake and raspberries.  More information is on our events page.

Fun Youth Tournament on Sunday, Nov. 12

Instructors Lucy Wang and Sonny Cho with tournament players in 2016

We will have a friendly tournament for children at all levels of play, on Sunday, Nov. 12, starting at 1:00 p.m. Prizes will include books, equipment, and fun little things. There is no fee. Children choose whether they want to play on 13×13 or 19×19 boards. The 19×19 games will finish by 5 p.m., the 13×13 games may finish sooner. We will have snacks around 3 pm, including kimbap, the Korean seaweed rice rolls with meat or veggie fillings.

Gala Pair Go Tournament

Join us for this great holiday event, with two rounds of Pair Go. Ten dollars general admission, five dollars for voting members and youth (under 18). We will be following International Pair Go Rules. Each pair must have a female and a male, of any age. Registration will be from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. on the day of the tournament, Saturday, December 16; we will finish around 10 p.m. This is not an official Pair Go competition, so formal dress is encouraged, but not required.

Not Enough Snow To Stop Ratings Tournament

As of Saturday evening, the  Sunday Nov. 5 Monthly Ratings Tournament is still on.  The weather report indicates that we will not be getting much snow in our area.  Registration is from 10 to 10:45 am.  We will cancel if travel gets difficult in our area. Please be careful about your travel, though.  Conditions may be worse where you are.

Private Instruction Program Expands

Yue (Vincent) Zhang

Two more instructors have joined the roster of teachers available for paid private lessons at the Go Center.  Usually these lessons are held when the Go Center is closed to the public.  [ Read more… ]

Anniversary Tournament on Sunday Oct. 1

On Sunday, Oct. 1, we will be celebrating our 22nd Anniversary with a tournament. This is open to all Go players; there are no residence or citizenship requirements. However, you need to have an up to date American Go Association membership (more below).  Registration for the tournament is on the day of the tournament from 10:00 – 10:30 sharp.  We expect to finish around 5:30. [ Read more… ]