The Seattle Go Center

On Tuesdays, the Seattle Go Center has the largest weekly gathering of Go Players in North America.  Our priority is teaching beginners and intermediate players, but everybody can find a game. Your first ten visits to the Go Center are free, including lessons.

Mother teaching son

Mother teaching son

Tuesday night with visitor Chris Garlock and Instructor Nick Sibicky

Tuesday night with visitor Chris Garlock and Instructor Nick Sibicky

From 30 to 50 people  come on Tuesdays, from beginner to expert (3 dan for sure, 5 dan often).  Our doors open at 1 pm, and people are usually playing games by 2 pm.  It is busiest in the early evening, and we close at 10 pm.  English is the main language spoken, but you will also hear Japanese in the afternoon, and Chinese in the evening.  (On tournament days, you will also hear Korean.)

Saturday afternoon is another good time to visit.  This is a smaller group, but it still has a wide range of players.

We have many special events and classes, which are listed on our calendar.

Watching the Google AlphaGo - Lee Sedol Game 2

Watching the Google AlphaGo – Lee Sedol Game 2

Teaching game with professional Maeda Ryo

Teaching game with professional Maeda Ryo